The ambitious road trip – Eastern Europe

Last updated: 30 July 2023

I’m at it again. It’s time for yet another road trip. I’m about to turn the big 3-0 so it’s time to up my game.

Car is booked, fueled and ready for take off.  Well, so to speak.

Flying in and out of Vienna seemed the logical choice with the chances of getting a quality car with winter tires being quite high and the flexibility to go East right on the Viennese doorstep.

Here’s the road trip schedule.  Covering 2000km in a week is ambitious even by Aussie standards so it’s all but guaranteed it’ll change as we go along.  That’s the joy of a road trip is complete and utter flexibility, right?

Eastern European road trip

View Eastern Euro Roady in a larger map

As always, if you’ve got tips, tricks, posts or suggestions on any of those listed above. Drop me a line!

Roma was raised on the white sandy beaches of Australia's East Coast, and she has called London home since 2012. With an adventurous spirit, a love of regional travel and anything food related, Roma looks to encourage working professionals to follow their dreams to travel the world one adventure and short break at a time. Don't let a full-time career stop you from seeing the world. Come roam with us!

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Comments (6)

  1. Looking forward to hearing about your adventure…road trips are always best when they are at least semi-spontaneous!

    1. Thanks Travis! It was semi planned so we had a clue of how much time we’d have on the road. Best part of a road trip is being able to make decisions on the fly. Some good some bad!

    1. Want to know something random? When I was in Pécs, Hungary I came across a UNESCO site and it made me think of you two. It was called the Early Christian Necropolis of Pécs.

  2. Wow! That looks like an amazing roadtrip…we loved every one of the places you are going on this trip. Are you going to visit Plitvice National Park between Split and Zagreb? We loved it there, and I imagine it would be beautiful in any season. I;m sure you will have a blast doing this, and we are looking forward to following your reports on it! Drop us a line if you have any questions…safe travels!

    1. Hi Travis

      Thanks for stopping by. It was one hell of a roady. It was overly ambitious and nothing went to plan (do they ever?!) so there was a few changes to the route.

      Skipped the Dalmatian Coast completely for a couple of reasons. Will definitely go back and do it when it’s warmer!

      I’m In the process of writing it up now so once it’s up feel free to pop by and check it out.

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